Professional Dog Walking with GPS Tracking

We understand it can be difficult to leave your dog with just anyone and if it was up to you, you would choose to spend every minute of the day with your dog. But sometimes life can get in the way and that’s why we are here to help! We want you to know that your dog is being properly exercised and cared for so we take certain steps to make sure that happens.

Peace of Mind

For every walk or hike completed you’ll have a check in and out time with the location of your dog walker at that point. You will see the route taken, the speed we traveled, and how long we exercised your pet. The dog walking industry is unregulated and we have heard many stories of dog walkers not fulfilling their role. Not showing up for walks, cutting the walk short, or arriving at unusual times. For us, the GPS is like a receipt. You will have proof that your dog went for his walk!

Here’s how it works

After we check into the appointment the timer will start. If you’ve scheduled your dog’s walk for 45 minutes, then 45 minutes later, you’ll receive a final email which includes:

  • Which route your dog walked, indicated by various GPS points around your neighborhood or foothills
  • Photos of your dog enjoying his time outdoors
  • Comments we feel are important to communicate to you
  • A record of whether or not your dog peed or pooped
  • If the weather is hot, we will let you know if your dog had a water break
  • The exact time we left your home

Capturing Moments

Your dog is important and we want to help raise standards and overall professionalism of dog walking. So not only is the GPS a must for us, we also like to capture those moments of your dogs having fun or enjoying their walk. We treat your pet like our own and make sure they have our full attention!

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